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Azim Premji_The Czar of Indian IT


   Azim Hashim Premji was born into a Nizari Ismaili Shia Muslim family to Mohamed Hashem Premji in city of Bombay on July 24, 1945. He is coolly known as the Czar (King) of the Indian IT Industry.


  • During the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan, the Premji family was invited to come to Pakistan by Quaid(Jinnah), but the family did not accept the offer.
  • He was dropped out of Stanford University at age 21 but later he completed his degree.
  • He is at this time known as the second richest person in India, who possesses 73% percent shares of Wipro.

Premji with Ambani

  • He is the first Indian to sign up for The Giving Pledge, which is a campaign led by the famous investor Warren Buffet and founder of Microsoft Bill Gates , to encourage the wealthiest people to make an oath to give most of their wealth to philanthropic causes.

Premji with Bill Gates

He believes that:

I strongly believe that those of us, who are privileged to have wealth, should contribute significantly to try and create a better world for the millions who are far less privileged
  • He is the third non-American and first Indian after founder of the virgin group Richard Branson and David Sainsbury to join this philanthropy club.

  • Premji is famous for his charity in all over the world. He has given away $21 billion to his charitable foundation known as Azim Premji Foundation.

At Wipro

He was nominated as one among the 20 most powerful men in the world by Asia week in the year 2010.
  • He has twice been ranked in the list of 100 most influential people by the TIME magazine, once in the year 2004 and then again in the year 2011.


  • If people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small.

  • Success is achieved twice. Once in the mind and the second time in the real world.
  • Leadership is the self-confidence of working with people smarter than you.

  • As you get bigger, you have to learn to representative.
  • You cannot get into business for the fashion of it.
  • We give people major responsibilities even if they are only 60 per cent ready. Our experience is that people are pretty elastic when you give them responsibility, and they just grow rapidly with the job.
  • As an adviser, I can say what I want. If I were a politician, I would constantly have to compromise, and I'm incapable of doing that.

Premji with Prime-Minister Modi

  • The three ordinary things that we often don't pay enough attention to, but which I believe are the drivers of all success, are hard work, determination, and basic honesty.
  • You cannot order philanthropy. It has to come from within, and when it does, it is deeply satisfying.
  • People are the key to success or extraordinary success.

  • You cannot underestimate the value of luck in success life. And I've really learned to appreciate that.
  • People have to take control of their own lives.
  • Excellence is a great starting point for any new organization but also an unending journey.

Watch our short video on Premji Click here


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